Organic veal, more tender and tasty.

During the first 3 or 4 months, organic veal calves are fed on their mother’s milk, as they live with her on healthy pasture.
After that, up to 12 months, apart from the same pasture, they can be fed with organic cereal.
Free-range rearing promotes a respectable life for the animal, freeing it from stress.
This meat usually has less fat and is more tender.
Its main source of protein is its high quality proteins, together with vitamins B12 and B2, iron and zinc.
Therefore, it has a high supply of amino acids essential for our metabolism.
It is also rich in calcium and phosphorus which help the development of the skeleton, and iron which strengthens muscles and prevents anaemia.
Next time you go to the shop to buy, don’t forget to ask for the organic certificate for the meat.