Honest cooking to conquer your health
The famouse influencer Elka Mocker, born in Barcelona, is a very optimistic person.
On his page he shares his creations of new healthy and balanced recipes, in which there is always a message of motivation and energy.

Today we want to tell you about her book ama, come, vive, brilla: Cocina honesta para conquistar tu salud, where you can find up to 80 recipes made by her.
Reading between its pages you can discover the peculiarity of his way of cooking with an energetic and motivating perspective.
The goal of this book is to inspire and encourage readers to consume healthy and seasonal products, avoiding highly processed foods.
Elka knows very well the difference between eating and feeding.
Eating is simply the act of chewing and swallowing.
On the other hand, feeding is a fact of love, in which you enjoy.
We hope you enjoy this reading.