Antioxidants, a natural protection
Antioxidants are one of the main characteristics of organic food, but… What are they and what are they for?
They are molecules capable of slowing or preventing oxidation which can produce radicals that start chain reactions that damage our body’s cells.
Our body uses these chemical compounds mainly to protect the skin, fight infections and slow down ageing.
Therefore, by eating a healthy and balanced diet, your skin becomes stronger and better.
The best known compounds are vitamins C and E, Polyphenols and Carotenoids.

The best way to balance your diet is to enrich it with a variety of vegetables, fruits and whole grains, which are very rich in antioxidants.
It is also advisable to exercise, not smoke and try to reduce your fat intake.
Some of the main diseases it can help to prevent are: cerebrovascular accidents, neurodegenerative diseases, cancer and ischaemic heart disease.
Foods with the highest concentration of antioxidants are: broccoli, green tea, black grapes, kale, natural cocoa and salmon.