Agroecology is not only a science, but also the application and social movement in agricultural production systems.

Its four principles are:
Adaptability Do not modify the cultivation site, without adapting the biological and genetic potential of the species to the site.
Natural recycling Use biomass to achieve a soil with high biotic activity, high nutrient supply and moisture retention.
Preservation Promote key ecological processes and services to ensure the health of the agro-ecosystem as a whole, not of a particular crop.
Rational technology Eliminate the use of synthetics and favour the use of renewable energy sources.

This science promotes agricultural production while conserving the elemental natural resources of food production such as soil, water and biodiversity.
It also promotes social justice, strengthens the economic viability of rural areas and emphasises the identity and culture of each area.
Today 14/05/21 at the Food Systems Summit, Agroecology, eco-agri-food systems and socio-environmental health will be discussed.