About us

SKY GREEN ECO FOOD is a proposal to bring the world of organic food closer to all those people who want. Through our platform we intend to bring establishments that sell natural and local food products closer to potential consumers, who want to learn to eat healthy or who simply want to continue eating a balanced and healthy diet.

Most of us lose track of how our food is produced, where it is grown, and we forget the pleasure of cooking 1 meal from scratch.

We all eat Hass avocados, Costa Rican bananas, red round tomatoes in winter, and other plant foods brought by globalization, while local seasonal products evade our shopping carts.

Although we live longer mainly due to advances in medicine, it is worth bearing in mind that this “long” life that we have provided for ourselves is paralysed by the chronic diseases induced by the lifestyle we lead. Small habitual adjustments to eat in a more sustainable way can benefit us with better health, more diverse flavours and even prosperity for local economies in which we can participate directly.

The most important first step in rediscovering the traditional and healthy diet is switching to the usual outlets that sell industrial food for those, filled with whole foods and foods from local producers. SKY GREEN ECO FOOD tries to be an aid in this sense; why find that organic food store in the neighbourhood more photos of and that you did not know existed.

Create a more sustainable community around you, eat local.